Portrait with natural light from the window
This gorgeous portrait of Polina was shot in a studio with natural light.
The window was about 2.5 meters high and faced the shadow side, that is, soft diffused light entered the window.
In this case, the window is located perpendicularly, to the right of Polina, about half a meter.
Light falls from above on the right. Part of it crosses through the nose, leaving a spot of light under the eye, on the shadow side of the face — this is the key light.
On the neck and side of the face, on the side opposite from the light, there are reflexes from the wall behind Polina, this is because the walls were light and she stood with her back close to the wall.
A little more light is reflected from the chest and gives reflexes on the chin. And the shadows look shallow, soft, the transitions are smooth just due to the fill light. There are no reflectors and flags here.
Polina stood with her right side into the frame, her legs and head were directed in one direction, she looked in front of her, her chin was slightly lowered.
The shoulders were straightened and slightly shifted back, forming a beautiful line from shoulder to head. The arms were straight and located along the body.
I shot from the shadow side, approximately from shoulder level.
The camera was directed slightly upwards. so that the eyes are located in the upper third of the frame, and the neck becomes visually longer.
And so that the neck is also perfectly readable between the far shoulder and the chin.
The article from Alexey Kazantsev’s Instagram page is posted here for informational and educational purposes only.
Link to original source: www.instagram.com/p/CrNZ4mxtzf8/? igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Link to the author’s official website: kazantsevalexey.ru